Lusting after these shoes by Kathryn Amberleigh

Love the matte leather and wooden wedge combo of the first pair.  The fact that they are gray is not making it easy.  I am becoming rather obsessed with that color lately.


I present you with a song that's been stuck in my head for days.


Finalized  design for business cards that will match the new look. Should have them back form the printer in about a week.  Props to GotPrint for such speedy turnaround time.
Decided to do the photography for the site myself in order to have more control over the images.  Photo shoot with Cara is tentatively scheduled for next Friday.  That gives me little more then a week to play with the set up and get used to our new camera.  I'll try to do a product shoot early next week to practice with the lights.   We'll see how it goes.  
If all goes well, I'm hoping to have the shop back up by April 8th.  


Oops, it's been a while.   My apologies, but things have been a little crazy here lately.
Tax stuff, shipments, production, marketing, payment collection, administrative work, getting a year older, etc. etc. etc. ... won't bore you with those details.
In the midst of all of that, I decided to update my website.  Nothing major, I just felt that it needed a little "face lift".  Initially I thought that a simple color and font change would do the trick.   I made an attempt to tweak the existing template myself.  It- did -not- work.
To make a long story short, nothing major turned into a complete site overhaul that required the help of a professional.  The system had to be reprogrammed with up to date software [turns out the site lived in the dark ages]   We decided a new template was needed to achieve the look I was going for,   In the end, I even ended up changing my logo.  
I have a lot to learn about the functionality and back end of the new system.  Mainly I need to get used to the image application and store layout, but that shouldn't take too long.
I'm really happy with the way it turned out and can't wait to upload the the new collection into the store.   Once I'm done photographing it.   And, as we all know, that is a project onto it's self.


The shop will be temporarily closed while we make some much needed improvements to our website.
New styles coming soon.


Love the accessories, especially the leather ones
Metallics and Jewel tones
My preferred skirt length
Tightly framing cowl necks


Most of my orders are now done, packed and shipped. Still one, somewhat large, needs to go into production. Shouldn't be big deal. Now that I've made countless tweaks to the patterns, studio arrangements and drank ungodly amounts of caffeine, I feel that I can handle the task pretty quickly. It took me bit of time to get into the groove of things. The orders were mainly for the new bags and I have not done bags on this scale in a long time. Up till now it was mostly the neck line that dominated the scene. And sample making. Very different production styles. And the best part? These are really great new accounts that paid immediately.